I had my lining check and blood draw (to check estrogen levels) yesterday and we are still all go for launch. However, I was informed by my coordinator that I cannot, in fact, do my first progesterone-in-oil (PIO) injection in the evening on the 8th. I will have to do it in the morning. The reasoning behind this is that they need me to have my PIO injections completed before I go into the office the two mornings I have my biopsies. And, since they want you to do your injections at the same time every day, it means I have to do my first injection in the morning. And, it just so happens I will be at a nursing clinical that morning. So, at approximately 8:15am, I will get to ask permission from my nurse and excuse myself to a private area (public bathroom, perhaps?) to do a giant injection of warm peanut butter* into my butt cheek. AWESOME. (I know I should stop whining, but I already hate IVF and this just makes it more frustrating.) *Not actual peanut butter, but very similar in co...