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We spoke with our RE yesterday and she reviewed with us the results of my ERA (Endometrial Receptivity Array). It turns out that the standard clinic protocol was not really compatible with my uterus. Apparently, my body needs almost a full additional 24 hours of progesterone before I am optimally "receptive" to an embryo. So, this explains why I had three failed cycles last year. My body wasn't ready. 

So, we have added the extra day into my protocol for this cycle and I'm feeling pretty good about it. Of course, it doesn't matter how good I feel about it... it will either work or it won't... but I wager a little positive thinking couldn't hurt?

Also, my pneumonia wasn't "walking pneumonia", it was regular pneumonia. And, it appears to be close to running it's course. Thank you, doxycycline!

Embryo transfer is scheduled for next Tuesday! 


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