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Showing posts from November, 2017

Good News!

I do NOT have a uterine polyp, so that means I do NOT need a hysteroscopy this week. I am SO RELIEVED. My doctor says we will continue with my calendar as planned. Also, I took my pass/fail exam for nursing fundamentals and I passed , despite being really sick right now. National average for the exam is 67%, and I somehow got an 80%. This week is off to an excellent start. Next up: colonoscopy on Wednesday.

But wait! There's more! Pt. 2

So, yesterday was my birthday. Aside from the minor inconvenience of having to renew my driver's license at the last minute, the day was going ok. Until just after 5pm, when my most snuggly wonderful cat began to yowl loudly and insistently from where he was laying in the family room. He was unable to walk because his back legs stopped working. We took him to the emergency vet closest to our house and were immediately sent to the super-duper emergency vet a little farther away. My cat was diagnosed with a heart condition 7 months ago (Grade 4 murmur + hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) but we thought we would have more time with him since the vet put him on medications to control the symptoms. Well, a clot broke off last night and lodged the spot his main artery splits to his back legs. He was paralyzed and in incredible pain (despite the pain meds) so we made the decision to say goodbye. Last night was fucking awful. And then today, I woke up looking look I had an allergic reaction to...

Endometrial Biopsy #2

I am so excited that I am DONE with invasive fertility procedures for this month*. I won't need to restart my PIO injections until about the 10th of December and I will hopefully never need another excruciatingly painful endometrial biopsy for the rest of my life. If I'm being honest, today's biopsy was not made easier by the fact I had one two days ago. This one hurt much worse, but I have been bleeding less since... so I guess there's that? This morning, after dropping the kiddo off at school, I swung by a Redbox to pick up a movie to watch after I got home (Jason Bourne!). And, after arriving home from the doctor, I only made it about 45 minutes into it before I realized I wasn't going to be able to stay awake. I had also ordered a pizza and snarfed three pieces... which may have contributed to my sleepiness. I laid down in bed at about 11am and got up at about 3:10pm. I don't remember the last time I took a nap like that. It definitely helps that the house...

Endometrial Biopsy #1

Well, I can say for certain that it hurt just as much as, if not more than, I remember. Thankfully the NP prescribed me both Valium and Tylenol-3's to take 30 minutes prior to my appt. I'm not sure I could have made it through without those. For some women, I think these procedures are only mildly uncomfortable, but I have a curved cervix(?) and so it makes it more difficult for them to get the catheter into my uterus. Today it was difficult enough that they needed to call in one of the MD's to finish the procedure. Oh, well. It's over... for now. They mentioned the next one on Wednesday might be a little easier because I will already be a little dilated from this procedure..? We will see.

PIO Day 2

I started my progesterone-in-oil injections yesterday and, honestly, it wasn't as bad as I'd remembered. I was at clinical, so I enlisted the help of my classmate to do my injection. Might as well help someone learn, right? She did an excellent job. My butt didn't really hurt much until I got home because we don't really get much chance to sit down and rest during clinicals. I just now got done with my second injection and I did some squats to help move it around. It hurts to have a big ball of oil sitting in your muscle, so I will also probably go for a walk after I drop the kiddo off at school. This all seems easy now, but that might be in part because I know I will only have to do these for 6 more days and then I can stop until we do our actual FET cycle in December. And, if that cycle works, I will need to continue the injections until 10 weeks of pregnancy.... and that seems like an eternity to me. Oh, well, it will be worth it if it works.