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Home Stretch?

So tomorrow I will be 32 weeks pregnant and I know it is supposed to feel like I'm in the home stretch, but another 8 weeks of this sounds awful. Stupid hot weather and disrupted sleep. We did get good news at my doctor's appointment yesterday - the baby is head down! This was not expected. My first child was breech and so we were kind of expecting this one to give me a hard time, too. I really don't want another c-section, but I would do it if I had to. At least this time I would know what to expect! My doctor is 100% on board for me to VBAC, though, so hopefully this baby stays head down. There is still enough room for her to flip back up, but let's hope she doesn't.  School starts back up in 6 weeks and they tried to schedule me for clinicals the week I am due! When I got that email I was super stressed so I called my mom and she laughed. Of course they scheduled my clinicals for the week I'm due. WHEN ELSE WOULD THEY SCHEDULE THEM? I know they will be sw...
Recent posts

28 Week Appointment

Today I get to do the dreaded fasting glucose test . With my last pregnancy, I remember that I was SO AFRAID of this test because of all the awful things I had heard about it. And then it ended up being not totally horrible. I even woke up early today so that I could eat breakfast before I started my 2 hour fasting. Today is also the day I get to meet my new OBGYN. We moved to a new area at the end of last month it was just no longer feasible to see my existing OB, so I had to switch. I really, really liked my old OBGYN, so I hope this new doctor measures up.

24 Weeks

Well, I'm still pregnant... so that's a plus. But I'm starting to experience what I call "belly fatigue". My stomach muscles are getting tired earlier in the day. For example, it's 9:50am and my belly is starting to wear out. I don't remember this happening with my last pregnancy. It's not painful, but it is uncomfortable and I'm not sure what to do about it. I Googled it and I can't really find much on it. Oh, well.... par for the course, I suppose.

20 Weeks 3 Days

They say 20 weeks is halfway through pregnancy, but I call bullshit on that because technically the first two weeks of pregnancy are freebies. I will consider myself halfway done when I get past my 22nd week and have only 18 weeks left. I'm still in shock I've made it this far. I'm now wearing maternity clothes and I have gained about 11-ish pounds, which is apparently right on track despite the fact I feel like a whale most nights. I should probably invest in a couple more pairs of Gap Body maternity leggings because the Old Navy ones just don't fit me correctly. Also, my placenta is anterior, so I'm not feeling as many kicks as I would like... but oh, well. I'm sure in a couple more weeks this baby girl will get her sea legs and I will be wishing for a break. We are moving to our new house at the end of May and I am excited to have a bigger space, but moving is a friggin' hassle. I haaaaate moving. We have met two of our 4 cul-de-sac neighbors and so far...

17 Weeks!

I can't believe this pregnancy has actually made it to 17 weeks. I had to start seeing a chiropractor for my sciatic pain, but for the most part things are going well. I'm sleeping better than I did in the first trimester and I feel a lot better than I did the first trimester, too. I have been gaining weight a liiiitle faster than I'd like, but I really think that's just because I have been unable to exercise due to the sciatic pain. I'm feeling better now, but the weather doesn't really lend itself to comfortably exercising/walking outside... so I haven't done much. The reality of all this is sinking in and I'm really trying to figure out how in the hell I will manage a newborn and nursing school come September. WHAT WAS I THINKING??

Second Trimester?

For some reason I always thought the 2nd trimester began at the end of the 12th week, and not the 13th... but I was wrong. I was hoping to be in my 2nd trimester already, but no such luck! Anyway, here is a video of the fetal doppler being put to use.

11 weeks 2 days

Things are going much better. I stopped getting the hunger-nausea a few days ago and I'm pretty glad it's gone. Also, I've been doing my progesterone suppositories faithfully every night and I think I'm about done. It's been 9ish days since I stopped the injections and my OBGYN told me at my last visit that the placenta takes over at 8 weeks. I'm out of the 100mg suppositories, but I still have ten 50mg ones that the fertility clinic gave me at my last appt. Maybe I should just do them since I have them? I would hate to stop before my body is ready and just completely fuck everything up. I've told more people about this than I probably should have. It's not public knowledge, but I do have about 14 people on my "know" list, not including professors and school personel. They won't remember that I was pregnant, so I don't need to worry about telling them about a miscarriage if it happens. Additionally, I bought a fetal heartbeat doppler ...