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Showing posts from January, 2018


I just received what will be the last PIO vial and last suppositories I will ever have to order. I have 15 days of injections left and after that I think I will switch to oral progesterone for about 2 weeks just to make sure I don't lose this pregnancy before the placenta takes over. THE END OF MEDS IS IN SIGHT. I can't wait to not have to carry around my little black medication kit that I've made myself. It always has at least two syringes, two injection needles, two needles for drawing up the med, two alcohol wipes, cotton balls, bandaids, and the vial of PIO (sometimes two if the first vial is nearly empty). I have to have it because I have to do injections at school. And, starting next Thursday, I will have to do them at clinical, too. But only for two clinicals. My last scheduled day of PIO injections is my 2nd clinical day. I should still have one day of PIO left in that vial, so I will probably also do an injection the next day, too. Also, I think I have about 20 day...

8 Weeks

Things seem to be going fine thus far. I have had some issues figuring out how often I need to eat to prevent getting sick, but it seems like every 1.5 to 2 hours does the trick. I'm trying to stay away from unhealthy foods, but it's difficult. Twice at school I have bought a bag of potato chips from the vending machine because I was getting shaky (and apparently needing salt). I also bought a bag of peanut M&M's because they looked sooooooo good. I ate 95% of them and ended up with a stomach ache. Next hurdle will be successfully completing my clinicals next month. I have them every Thursday in February and they last from 630am to 7pm. I will need to tell each of my preceptors about my pregnancy and hope they don't treat me like I'm incapable. I will also need to take LOTS of snack  breaks. I imagine I will be running around quite a bit and I don't want to get sick. I also hope my unit partner won't figure out that I'm pregnant because I don...

Morning Sickness

Holy crap this morning the morning sickness was in full effect. I had very, very mild "morning sickness" with my son and it was only really in the afternoons. This morning, however, I waited for my toast to cook while I was laying on the kitchen floor because I was afraid if I stood up I would actually vomit. Since breakfast, I've been nibbling on the candied ginger my husband bought me and I'm hoping this will allow me to get through some studying I need to focus on. Fingers crossed!


Ok, so it's not a baby just yet... still just an embryo... BUT OMG LOOK IT HAS A HEARTBEAT. I still can't believe it actually worked. I'm pretty sure it's going to take me a little while longer until I actually believe this is real. The chance of miscarriage drops once you see the heartbeat, but I still have 5ish weeks until I'm out of the danger zone. I guess I can try to relax about all this now. I will try to start doing yoga again soon because I think that will help with my stress levels. Also, they gave me a Rhogam shot today because I had been spotting, but it was really just to be cautious.

6 weeks, 3 days

Aaaaand.... there's spotting. Not a lot, but enough to make me panic. I called the doctor and they said it's not uncommon for women to spot in early pregnancy. My husband says I spotted with our son 6 years ago, too. I don't remember that but it could just be parental amnesia. Either way, I'm panicking a little. Actually, a lot. I didn't come this far only to come this far. I've told a couple close friends and I don't really want to have a miscarriage and then have to tell them and see the looks on their faces. I don't want that. I did that with my ectopic pregnancy (started bleeding at 6 weeks) and it's just uncomfortable for everyone involved. Hopefully all this is is a little spotting. Nbd, right?

6 weeks, 2 days

Not much has been happening here. My new semester started last Monday and it was chaos as usual until Thursday afternoon. Next week I should only need to go to school twice: once for class day and once for lab day. I had to tell my lab instructor about my injections so that I could procure a private space to do my PIO injection that wasn't a totally public restroom. I don't know if he thinks I'm actually pregnant or just trying, but they will all know soon enough. Obviously I'm not showing yet, but I have lost 4lbs so if this keeps up I imagine I will be showing sooner than later because there will be less belly fat to hide the organism * growing inside me. It appears that I'm going to get nausea in the afternoons like I did with my son. I never had sickness in the mornings, just light nausea in the late afternoons. I never threw up like you see newly pregnant women doing in the movies. I would like to find a tea made only from ginger (no hibiscus, no lemongrass,...

Beta #2

Apparently my levels are over 7,000 mIU/ml. I guess I should have asked her to repeat herself because that's REEEEALLY HIGH. Technically my number pretty much tripled. I was hoping for anything over about 2,500 mIU/ml. Now I'm really hoping there's not two in there. We only transferred one embryo and I know they can split... but I really don't want twins. I can't handle twins. I would likely not be able to maintain breastfeeding for as long as I did with my son. Plus how could I possibly manage nursing school with newborn twins?! Oy. Anyways, I'm scheduled for my 7 weeks OB ultrasound on Thursday the 18th. I'm curious to see what's going on in there!

Jan. 4th

I go in tomorrow for my repeat beta HCG blood draw and I'm hoping my numbers are continuing to increase at a healthy rate. I've got all the pregnancy symptoms, but that could be because of all the meds I'm on. No nausea yet, but I don't think that generally kicks in until 7 weeks. I've also switched back to the standard progesterone-in-oil mixture for my injections and my bum is feeling the pain. I may ask to switch back to the ethyl oleate mixture because it never left a bruise. I would like to hear what my doctor has to say about each one before I make and decisions.